Τετάρτη 20 Ιουλίου 2011


Think for a moment,ok?

You are a very old car and you 're scared that any moment now you are about to break down..

If you think about this with a clear mind,there is nothing to worry about,but the truth is that..so,you have all the doubts below:

01. You don't feel comfortable to take someone for a ride,not a girl,nor a friend,nor anyone else..

02. You don't want to take responsibility because of the weight issue..

03. You never can be exact at your time schedule,it's not your decision..

04. Finally you can never enjoy the ride like everyone else..

But..what if the car is just..other people's opinion?

Here is what happens or what you 'd want to happen:

-->their opinion happens...to be your...-->car-->is junk-->can't be sure about anything..
-->can't take responsibilities-->feel useless-->.reassure anyone who wants to feel this way
-->reconfirm their opinion about you...

Here is the prescription to quit seeing your car as a junk:

01. It has a great colour..

02. It will not break down any moment now..

03. Speed it up but in the same time turn it off when it is about to explode..

04. Let in only those who appreciate it..

05. Ignore anyone who has doubts..


Κυριακή 3 Ιουλίου 2011

First semester

Νew Year Sleep-εξοχικο-που να βρω μια να σου μοιαζει-silly-οι συμπεθεροι απο τα Τιρανα-balkan Gazza-διακριτικο-on the road-no insurance-kazeR-Jose Gonzalez-stairs stairs and stairs-δυο ωρες μεινανε μονο-Καλαματα-crypton-brand new-ΙΚΑ-ΤΕΒΕ-σουξου μουξου-ΕΦΟΡΙΑ-dude-χαρτια χαρτια και παλι χαρτια-Baros-Καλαματα again-καυλαντισμα-mtv-τσου λου-every week a new mask-nolan-papers papers and papers-Zετα-crash-blonde-play-adorable-yes-no-yes-no-i don't know-fuck you-mistake-what the fuck-seminars-six-σκουφακι-Wednesday's-Πλακα-Sake-no space-x-x-x-x-x-mini-horny-horny who?-no horny-fake-τσιπουρα-dj-ribena-sad-stuck on the puzzle-be cool-msg-ignore-endings-Prita-ignore-words-gardening-tweet-homework-Bro-pro-fear->shooting-fuck you-Καλαματα again and again-the Meropians-Marley-service-talking-sick-talking-talking-καραγκιοζιλικια-νευρα-fuck you-away and anywhere-fake-fake-fake-dudes and dudettes-no support-friends-island-τροχοσπιτο-camping-flaneur-ΑΓΑΝΑΚΤΙΣΜΕΝΟΣ-8-lost-feel good hit of the summer-priorities-priorities-priorities-GAZZA..